Welcome to the home of Sacred Sound Inspirations. We are so glad synchronicity has brought you here!
Our website aims to provide information first and foremost on the variety of sound healing trainings, events and one on one sessions held by Sarah Gregg, however we also aim to provide in depth information about the different types of sound healing modalities we employ and the site is continually added to in terms of content. So please visit us often to not only find out what we are involved in at any given time, but also what information we are sharing in terms of sound healing.
Our Training School is a Centre of Excellence where people can come and go deep into their own processes as well as receiving the most thorough professional training in sound healing. Our accredited and certificated trainings provide, as many will testify, not only an incredibly in-depth training in whichever sound healing modality one is studying, but also result in deep personal journeys of self-development and healing. We consider ourselves to be pioneers in the field of sound and energy healing and our trainings are innovative, grounded and fun to participate in. Our intention is to provide the best training for everyone who comes across our threshold so that they will be confident and practising at a high standard when they complete the trainings in using the tools they have learned for themselves and where applicable, with others. We are passionate about our work and keep up to date with all the sonic innovations which occur both in allopathic, orthodox medicine as well as the traditional Sound Healing arena.