“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.”
– Hazrat Inayat Khan
Gong Master Practitioner Intensive Harmony of the Spheres Residential & Training
Please be advised we are not currently running this residential training. Gong Master Practitioner Training is held in East Hertfordshire as a non-residential at the present time. We are running a residential in Ceremonial Sound in 2025. Please visit our Retreats Section for further information.
Download: Brochure
The Gong is one of the most ancient and important instruments, thought to have originated nearly six thousand years ago in Sumeria, it has been used for healing and ceremony ever since. It has experienced a renaissance in recent years here in the UK and throughout the World and has been adopted as part of their therapeutic or personal practise by many therapists, sound healers, yoga teachers, shamanic practitioners and those following a spiritual path. Gong Healing practitioners offer Gong Baths or Immersions either in a group setting or as a one on one. Recipients report very deep states of relaxation, along with a feeling of totally letting go, often going into a state of deep meditation where healing can more readily occur.

From our own varied experience conducting many sound baths and attending a large number of different certified sound healing and gong trainings, we have developed what we feel is a unique and comprehensive training in the Gong. Our Gong Master Practitioner Training is comprised of two parts. A residential training followed by a distant learning correspondence course. Firstly you will attend the Harmony of the Spheres residential training.
The Gong Master Practitioner Harmony of the Spheres Intensive is a mixed ability residential workshop. No musical experience or experience of the gong is required to attend. The workshop is suitable for complete beginners as well as advanced, experienced players who wish to immerse themselves in the gong space.

This intensive training will provide participants with enough knowledge and practical experience so they have the confidence and competence to practise in a healing environment or group performance situation. Participants will be taught everything they need to know about playing the gong, giving one on one treatment sessions and group gong baths/performances at a relaxed pace. It is a complete course in how to play the gong from basic to advanced playing techniques. The aim is to impart as much knowledge and teaching about the gong as possible within the timeframe. The residential is held over five days in a very high vibrational centre of which we have exclusive use over the duration of the stay and its private and quiet location is perfect for the work we undertake. The Intensive is suitable for those who wish to use the gong for transformation and healing, both for themselves and others in a non-professional capacity. You may attend the Intensive only if you wish, or you can also proceed to Part Two to complete your professional qualification.
A wide range of gongs will be available during the residential for participants to use. If participants already own their own gong, they are invited to bring them to the training to be included within the gong space.
All participants will take part in the all-night gong puja ceremony and for those proceeding to Part Two, this is an essential part of the certification. You should bring bedding, cushions and covers with you for comfort during this session as we will be spending the night in the gong space. Please note it is not permitted to use the bedding from Dev Aura. All participants will remain in the sacred gong space, each taking a turn during the event at playing the gong for all present. After the puja ends, participants will have the opportunity to rest for a few hours before continuing with the training.
The emphasis of this residential is upon practical, hands on experience mixed with relevant theory. Participants will truly be immersed in the gong for the entire length of the residential.
Residential Syllabus
History & Background of the Gong
Intention – Intuition – Meditation
Mallets and Flumis
Types of Gongs
Choosing your Gong
How to approach and play the Gong
Taking care of your Gong
Basic and Advanced Playing Techniques
Conducting a one on one Gong healing session
Giving a Group Gong Bath
Hand held Gong
Journeying with the Gong
Other Instruments to accompany the Gong Bath
The Universal Greeting
Using the voice with the Gong – mantra and toning
All night Gong Puja

The Course fees for the residential is £815 which includes all tuition, accommodation and food and Part Two distant learning curriculum. You will need to make your own travel arrangements. It is advised that participants take out their own insurance to protect their booking. Deposit to secure your place is £250 (plus £60 supplement for a single room – limited availability). A monthly payment plan is also available.
We are running a residential in Ceremonial Sound in 2025. Please enquire for non-residential gong training.
Should you wish to continue your training and receive the qualification as Gong Master Practitioner, you can continue to Part Two after you have attended the residential training. Part Two follows a distant learning syllabus separated into five modules which are based on both practical and theoretical study. The aim of Part Two is to provide practical and theoretical learning opportunities for students to really explore both their relationship with the gong and also experience working with “clients” on a one to one and group basis. The explorations are both interesting, developmental and fun and on completion the students will have extensive practical and theoretical knowledge and the confidence to practice professionally should they wish. For further information please download our Brochure or go to the Gong Master Practitioner Training course page.
The Gong Master Practitioner Intensive – Harmony of the Spheres Residential is facilitated by Sarah Gregg, Sound Healer, Natural Therapy Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher with twenty years clinical and teaching experience. In 2007 she introduced Reiki Drumming into the UK and was instrumental in making it available on a wide scale throughout the country. She also developed the ever popular Usui Reiki Kotodama & Buddhist Chants workshop as well as the Ancestral Resonance Process™ Celtic New Year Residential which incorporates ancestral healing with sound healing techniques. She has received extensive training with leaders in the field of Sound Healing and specialises in the gong, drums, crystal bowls and voice. She practices as a sound healer from her base in Sawbridgeworth and holds weekly community healing and sound events including Sonic Exploration evenings. As a qualified Reiki Master Teacher Sarah runs regular Usui, Reiki Drum and Karuna Reiki® Workshops. She holds residential retreats in beautiful places throughout the UK, as well as holding regular Sacred Sound & Light Immersion Workshops. Sarah is a fully qualified holistic therapist in a variety of different therapies. Her teaching reflects her interests in Sound Healing, Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Eastern Healing Arts, Buddhist Philosophy and Shamanism. She is a member of the UK College of Sound Healing as well as the International Sound Healers Association. Her organisation Reiki Drum & Sacred Sound Inspirations is a registered college with the Complementary Medical Association (CMA).