Karuna Reiki® is the next step for Usui Reiki Masters who wish to take their own healing path and skills to the next level of development.
The Karuna Reiki® system uses toning and chanting as a means of creating profound shifts in the vibrational frequency of the healing energy. Through vocalising the sounds of the Reiki symbols, it is possible to manifest these symbols, creating states of deep relaxation and meditation and actually resonating and releasing areas of imbalance in the physical and energy body. Channelling the chanting and toning sounds can improve one’s overall ability to channel healing energy, taking us to higher levels of consciousness. Toning is especially useful in releasing blocks of negative energy, amplifying the Karuna Reiki® energies and sending them deeper into the client’s energy field. Chanting the name of the symbol with your Karuna Reiki® empowered voice directs the energy into a block or area of need of healing. Further information about Karuna can be found here at our sister website Reiki Drum. We hold Karuna Practitioner classes for anyone attuned to Usui Reiki Master Level and Karuna Master Teacher trainings for those who are Usui Reiki Master Teachers.

Karuna Reiki® can be extremely effective in healing many issues and bringing about the following:
Reducing pain
Healing past life issues
Releasing karma and deeply seated issues
Helps develop good habits
Heals on the cellular level
Breaks up negative subconscious patterns
Heals shadow self
Helps develop determination and completion
Helps with grounding
Helps clear the mind
Clears rooms of negative energy
Manifests goals
Increases creativity
Improves learning ability
Helps with communication
Helps maintain healthy boundaries in relationships
Heals fear, worry and panic
Develops compassionate action
Allows contact with spiritual beings
Is a gateway to unlimited potential
Helps heal the earth
Connects with other consciousness (plants, crystals, animals)

- What is Karuna Reiki®
- Origin of Karuna Reiki®
- Karuna Reiki® Spiritual Guidance and connection with Spiritual Beings
- Karuna Reiki® I Symbols
- Karuna Reiki® II Symbols
- Karuna Reiki® Reiki Master Symbols (Master Teacher only)
- Violet Breath and Tibetan Master Symbols (Master Teacher only)
- How to give a Karuna Reiki® treatment
- Karuna Reiki® Practitioner / Master Levels I and II attunements
- Healing the Shadow Self
- Healing through sound
- Toning and Chanting
- Practical work (healing, practising attunements, discussion)
- Guided visualisation work and meditations
- Sound and moving meditations
Karuna Master Teacher Training
Duration of Course: 3 days •Fee: £500 •Deposit: £175
Forthcoming Dates 2025: No classes scheduled.
Karuna Practitioner Training
Duration of Course: 2 days •Fee: £280 •Deposit: £100
Forthcoming Dates 2025: No classes scheduled.