“Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the innermost soul and take strongest hold upon it” – Plato
Here at Sacred Sound Inspirations we run a variety of different professional sound healing courses that lead to accreditation and certification. We endeavour to be a Centre of Excellence in respect to all of our educational offerings.

Gong Master Practitioner CMA Accredited Training Course
This CMA (Complementary Medical Association) accredited training course is a two-part training. There are two options of residential or non-residential training. For Part One you will attend the Harmony of the Spheres 5-day practical residential training at a beautiful high vibrational space in the Lincolnshire Wolds, specifically chosen because it is perfect for the sound work we do during the stay. This is followed by Part Two which is a distant learning curriculum which allows you to work at your own pace covering five modules within a 12-month period. You may of course also have the option to attend a non-residential seven-day Harmony of the Spheres training in Hertfordshire should you prefer, followed again by Part Two Distant Learning Curriculum.

Professional Diploma in Ceremonial Sound Accredited by the CMA
We are pleased to be able to hold both a residential retreat where we combine all of our sonic work into one experience as well as providing an opportunity for qualified sound healers to deepen their knowledge of facilitating ceremonial sound experiences resulting in a post graduate Professional Diploma in Ceremonial Sound which is an accredited CMA training.

Introduction to the Gong
This one day training introduces the student to the basics of gong playing. It is non certified, but is a good introduction for those who just wish to play the gong for themselves or find out some more before embarking on our professional course of study.

Gong CPD Courses
For participants of the Gong Master Practitioner Training Course, we run regular Gong CPD courses throughout the year including “The Basics of one on one Gong Healing”, “Gong Journeying” and a variety of other useful trainings to support students undertaking the CMA accredited training.

The Akasha Process™
The Akasha Process™ is a four-day experience that incorporates energy medicine, sacred ceremony, metaphysics, and sound healing in the form of sacred drumming. It provides an opportunity for a profound therapeutic experience and supports people in understanding and realising the next step on their forward path towards achieving their sacred mission”.

Sacred Sound & Light Immersion
Our two-day introduction into sound gives the participant the opportunity to experience and practise a wide variety of different sound healing techniques including toning, mantra, crystal bowls, playing the gong, healing drumming, group drumming meditations, journeying, rattles and the monochord chair. Participants often go on to explore different parts of the weekend in further depth at a later time.

The Ancestral Resonance Process ™
Our weekend ancestral healing workshop allows the individual to work on inherited ancestral patterns which are influencing and impacting their lives through the medium of sound. A weekend of using many different sound healing techniques and ceremonial practises to effect deep change within the ancestral field. Held around the time of the Celtic New Year.

Reiki Drumming
Sarah introduced Reiki Drumming as The Reiki Drum Technique into the UK in 2007. She runs Practitioner and Master Teacher trainings throughout the year. The course is certificated and recognised by all of the leading insurance companies and professional Reiki bodies throughout the UK. Combining healing drumming and Reiki, Students do need to have studied to Level II Usui Reiki to attend the Practitioner Training.

Kotodama & Buddhist Chants Workshop
Learn the Sacred Chants of the Usui Reiki System. A beautiful day working with the Reiki Kotodama in a variety of experiential ways combined with Buddhist Chanting. A very uplifting, healing and inspirational day workshop. A certificate of attendance will be issued for participants.

Karuna Reiki®
The next step for Usui Reiki Masters, this beautiful course introduces the student to the high frequency energy of Karuna as well as toning and chanting. The two-day practitioner class allows the student to practise, whereas the three-day Master Teacher training enables the Master to share their knowledge with others.