“The Goddess doesn’t enter us from outside; she emerges from deep within. She is not held back by what happened in the past. She is conceived in consciousness, born in love, and nurtured by higher thinking. She is integrity and value, created and sustained by the hard work of personal growth and the discipline of a life lived actively in hope”. – Marianne Williamson
Summer Solstice Awakening the Divine Feminine Retreat
(We are not running this retreat in 2025 – we are running a residential Ceremonial Sound Retreat).
Sawbridgeworth, East Herts (non-residential)
Fee: £160 (£75 deposit)
More so now than ever before it is important for women (and men) to embrace the true divinity of their feminine nature, without which both the sacred union of our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies are not possible. There are however sacred experiences only the Divine Feminine can truly provide and secrets it can only reveal and as such the intention of this two-day non-residential retreat is to recognise our unique feminine power and incorporate it into our lives in both practical and sacred ways.
The weekend will facilitate several things. One it will allow you to leave behind a lot of old energy which may be preventing you from creating the life you really desire with your Shakti feminine primal creative power. It will also facilitate deep level healings for those who attend as well as creating an opportunity to spend time in circle with like-minded people and create some beautiful energetic moments. We will create this through sacred ceremony, sound and energy work.
The weekend will include many different rituals and ceremonies including the following
- The 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb
- Cacao Ceremony (cacao optional as part of a sonic ceremony).
- Himalayan Singing Bowl Ceremony group participation
- Meditations with Crystal Bowls
- Gong/Sound Bath
- Drum Journeying
- Group Drumming
- Energy Healing
- Mantra
- Toning
- Crystal Grid Ceremony
- Oracle Cards
- Monochord Group Ceremony
We will work with a variety of Goddess archetypes from a range of cultures and very much embody the Goddess archetype energy throughout the weekend.

Because of the depth of work taking place during the weekend numbers are limited for this retreat so please book early to avoid disappointment.
You will be gifted the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki, the Rite of the Womb. In 2014 during a trip to the Amazon and whilst embarking on a shamanic journey, Marcela Lobos received a transmission from a lineage of women of jungle medicine, a lineage of women who had freed themselves from suffering. This was the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki. She tells how this transmission not only purified her body, but also her psyche. The lineage both guards and guides those who receive the rite to help find their freedom, purpose and connect to the joy of life. She was told during the transmission that “The womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life. The Rite of the Womb was born into present day reality and has been transmitted to both women and men ever since. It is called the 13th Rite because it is linked to the 13 Moon cycles. You can receive the 13th Rite as a stand-alone rite without having received the Nine Great Rites of Initiation. Everyone can receive this rite, and men are also welcome to receive. We share the 13th Rite in a group ceremony and you will be asked to prepare beforehand as well as having a short monthly ritual over 13 months to carry out after the weekend to carry the energy forward. Not only will you receive, but you will learn how to gift to others so that this powerful medicine can be shared around the world. We have chosen the powerful time of the Summer Solstice to share this retreat. The Rite of the Womb allows us to tap into creativity and remove fear from our energy field and the Solstice energy will facilitate us moving more into our power in a wonderful way!