“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.” – Rumi
- Four-Day Experiential Workshop – The Akasha Process® – Achieving your Sacred Mission
- Shamanic Reiki Metaphysical Course
- Gaining Clarity on your next step forward towards your Sacred Mission
Including …
- ○ Energy Medicine
- ○ Sacred Ceremony
- ○ Metaphysics
- ○ Sacred Drumming
- ○ Shamanic Practice
- Deep Level Soul Healing
- Four powerful Empowerments & Initiations (see below).
- Healing Limiting Beliefs
- Multi-Dimensional Healing
- Exploration of Shadow & Radiant Self
- Opportunity for Further Development & Accredited Training for Reiki Masters & Reiki Drummers

Originating from a need to confirm her Sacred Mission, The Akasha Process® was developed by Sarah Gregg in conjunction with spiritual guidance and downloads during the Winter and Spring of 2022. In 2007 she was gifted the beautiful Sacred Mission of sharing Reiki Drumming in the UK. This was a true honour and over the years many other teachers and practitioners have joined her in that mission.
In 2022 Sarah felt a huge energy shift, a need to take time out from her regular teaching schedule to look at the next step forward. She sat in meditation each evening re viewing her life, receiving deep level healing and asking “what next”. Each evening she would receive downloads that surprised and excited her in their healing ability. Initially she believed they were for her own personal healing, but by the end of March 2022, she came to realise she had been gifted a wonderful Shamanic Reiki metaphysical course to share with others which was both powerful and healing in its effects.
In the video Sarah mentions three empowerments, however on 22.8.2022 she received a fourth empowerment. She had been told initially she would receive four empowerments but had only received three. She was given the time and space to work with the energies of the first three empowerments and understand what they would truly signify for people before being gifted the fourth. The fourth empowerment allows one to step into one’s Radiant Self and truly embody that after the work of the previous three empowerments. It is given on the final day and due to the additional knowledge and wisdom of these ancient teachings, the workshop has now been extended to include a fourth day.
Is This Course For You?
The course is split into two parts.
Part One
The Akasha Process®
A four-day experience which incorporates energy medicine, sacred ceremony, metaphysics and sound healing in the form of sacred drumming.
- This four-day experience is open to all.
- It will draw those interested in shamanism, energy medicine (in the form of Reiki), sound healing in the form of drumming and metaphysics and sacred ceremony, but in effect, no prior experience is required.
- It is a four-day healing experiential process to immerse oneself in deep-level soul healing, so may also call those who feel they are at a crossroads in their life but are not sure of their path forward, may know their path but come up upon stumbling blocks preventing them from moving forward, or who know they are here for something of value but are still to discover what.
- It is of course also open to those with a curious mind who embrace all of the above and like to be immersed in these practices along with like-minded.
- The course is held over four days. If you don’t have your own, drums will be provided for those who need to borrow one.
- There is no pre-requisite to attend.
Day One concentrates on …
- Your Sacred Mission and helps to uncover this (our Sacred Mission is often made up of many parts throughout our life), as well as healing blocks you may have to fulfilling what you came here to do.
- You will receive a beautiful and healing Akasha Process® empowerment and initiation which supports the process.
- You will take part in drumming and sacred ceremony and receive healing and insights through meditations regarding your forward path.
Day Two of the course introduces you to
- A powerful Akasha Process® empowerment and initiation which attunes you to your Shamanic Guides, Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm who will be working with you throughout the day as you journey through dimensions to heal aspects from your past lives, remove redundant sacred vows and contracts and anything else which is affecting you in the present and preventing you from following Your Sacred Mission.
- The day will again comprise sacred ceremony, drumming and meditations to support you in powerful deep-level healing.
Day Three of the course gifts you
- An Akasha Process® empowerment and Initiation to support healing of the Shadow Self and illumination of the Radiant Self as you step into your power ready to fulfil your Sacred Mission.
- Travelling through the dimensions you will explore Karmic relationships, and your own Shadow material.
- You will take part in meditations, sacred ceremony, sound healing and group drumming to explore further your soul’s journey.
Day Four of the course gifts you
- An Akasha Process® empowerment and Initiation to embody your Radiant Self after the healing of the previous three empowerments.
- An opportunity to explore different timelines with deep work for both the collective and your own individual soul’s journey.
- You will take part in meditations and sonic ceremony. Day four is a shorter day than the previous three days, and tends to finish around lunch-time.
As mentioned, the course is an experience open to all for anyone to take part in. It is held in a shamanic way with shamanic circle discussion throughout.
Investment: The introductory fee for the four-day Akasha Process® is £444.
To book your place on the 4-day Akasha Process® please email info@reikidrum.co.uk

Part Two
The Akasha Process® Practitioner Training
For those who have completed Reiki Drum Practitioner training (Reiki Drumming/The Reiki Drum Technique) and have been attuned to the Usui Dai Ko Myo Reiki energy (Master energy) it is possible to qualify as an Akasha Process® Practitioner so that you can share the healing sessions with clients or do the entire process with other people.
We feel this training is a natural progression from the Reiki Drum practitioner training and is a wonderful personal and spiritual development programme for those who take part.
To do this you will need to register for Part Two
- A year-long development programme at the introductory fee of £444 when enrolling with our school.
- On registration you will be enrolled on our online learning platform where you will have access to the practices through online learning material such as documentation, and professional audio and video recordings.
- You will be required to work through a variety of modules which include case studies for the different practises as well as documented evidence of the meditations and practises which you will repeat in your own time.
- Each module has a variety of healing practices which you will be asked to carry out with four separate case studies per practice.
- You will be supported and mentored step by step through the programme by Sarah Gregg.
- It is recommended you complete the case studies within a year.
- On successful completion you will receive your Practitioner Certificate in The Akasha Process™ to practise and gain insurance. You may practise the different practices as stand-alone or as the four-day programme. Excited to share this with the general public and the spiritual community, Sarah has had the course accredited with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association).
- Terms and Conditions apply to The Akasha Process™
Course Syllabus
- Module One: Your Sacred Mission
- Module Two: Past Life & Reincarnation
- Module Three: Past Life Vows
- Module Four: Soul Contracts
- Module Five: Akashic Records
- Module Six: Life Review
- Module Seven: Karma – Exploring the Shadow & Embodying the Radiant Self
- Module Eight: The Life In Between
- Module Nine: Traversing Time
Each module is supported with an Explanation Tutorial in video and audio format, as well as the practices being provided in either video or audio format. Programme participants are expected to carry out a variety of developmental meditation practices and journal about their experiences as part of their submission. Each module will require you to carry out four case studies per healing practice for submission. All case studies should be submitted as write-ups. For each practice, at least one case study should be submitted in video format. At the end of the year-long programme you will have had a vast experience of working with others with this process as well as doing some deep-level healing for yourself.
Once you have qualified and received your accreditation, you will be able to run the Process for others at no extra cost to yourself. You will however, also have the opportunity to be added to our list of Registered Teachers for an annual subscription fee of £111. As a Registered Teacher, should you run the training as a in-person process and have people who are eligible to do the training themselves, all copyrighted and regularly updated course materials can be sourced from our organisation and students will have access through our online portal to all audio/video materials and documentation to support them in the training. This is provided at a fee of £88 per student. You will take on the role of mentor for your students during this programme and would need to assess their case studies for them to attain qualification.
We have chosen a unique time in history to incarnate on the earth plane. A time when each of us needs to be able to fully step into our power and fulfil the Sacred Mission we chose as part of our soul’s journey. In these times of momentous change, do you hear the call to do the healing necessary so you may step into your radiant self and be a force of positive change in the world?
The Akasha Process®
Duration of Course – 4 days
Venue: Sawbridgeworth (non-residential)
Fee: The Akasha Process® £444. Deposit payment: £111
Dates for 2025: 6th-9th September
Please contact Sarah at info@reikidrum.co.uk to reserve a place.
The Akasha Process® Practitioner Training can be booked once you have attended the Akasha Process® if you have a certificate in Reiki Drumming along with being attuned to the Usui Reiki DKM at Master Level. If you have not trained with Sarah in these two pre-requisites, you will be asked to provide your certificates of qualification to register for the practitioner training. Fee for the practitioner training is £444.